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Hazardous waste

WM Technical Services provides the most comprehensive solutions for liquid and hazardous waste. Give us your details for a no obligations chat with our team of waste and sustainability specialists.

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Purpose-built facilities & expert handling

Our extensive team of qualified and experienced industrial chemists and technical experts are well versed in the use, handling and disposal of hazardous wastes produced in New Zealand.

Safe and effective hazardous waste solutions


Bulk hazardous

Waste acid, alkali or metal bearing wastes in large quantities can be vacuum collected by our fleet team, expert in the handling and transportation of flammable, toxic, corrosive and ecotoxic wastes. These wastes are handled under the guidance of our experienced chemist team at one of our comprehensive fully consented treatment plants to render the hazardous substances safe.


Bulk standard

We are the experts in handling, transporting, and treating all bulk liquid wastes. Standard bulk wastes include grease trap, interceptor, sewage, septage, contaminated stormwater, cesspits, and food waste. Our fleet of vacuum trucks can collect your waste and return the material back to one of our fully consented treatment plants for efficient treatment and dewatering. 


Chemical packaged waste

Our Technical Service division are the experts in handling hazardous substances including packaged chemical wastes. These packages may range from small jars all the way up to 200L drums or 1,000L intermediate bulk containers (IBCs). You can be confident in WM Technical Services to handle your chemical wastes. Our professional chemist team always ensure that flammables, oxidising substances, organic peroxides, toxics, corrosives and ecotoxics are treated in a safe and compliant way.


Certified tanker collections

WM Technical Services runs one of New Zealand’s most comprehensive certified vacuum tanker fleets. Our trucks are fully compliant with the applicable Worksafe Approved Codes of Practice for road tank wagons which gives you the peace of mind that your bulk hazardous waste is handled under best practice guidelines.


Contaminated soil

Sometimes hazardous substances find there way into or onto soil. Our Technical Services division are the experts in treatment of soils contaminated with substances such as hydrocarbon or heavy metals to enable disposal in a safe and compliant manner.



New Zealand roads can unfortunately be the recipient of all sorts of debris and build up over time. WM Technical Services provides an easy and convenient location for roadsweeping trucks to discharge their contents and get back on the road.


Roadside cesspits

New Zealand’s stormwater network is protected from debris ending up on roads via well designed drains and with cesspits. Periodically these cesspits need to be sucked out by a vacuum tanker. WM Technical Services provides a convenient location for these tankers to discharge their waste for safe and efficient dewatering and disposal.



In recent years many companies have gone away from using standard excavation techniques and started using water blasters to slurry up the soil for easy removal by vacuum truck; this is known as hydroexcavation. WM Technical Services provides an efficient solution and convenient location for treatment of hydroexcavation waste.



We cultivate and control plants and animals in many ways for ecology and the economy. Part if this work involves chemicals that encourage growth or tackle unwanted pests. Agrichemicals can pose a variety of risks and WM Technical Services are the experts on handling and safely disposing of these chemicals to preserve the environment of New Zealand.


Asbestos containing material (ACM)

The group of silicate mineral fibres known as asbestos was used extensively for construction purposes in New Zealand. Raw asbestos wasn't banned until 1999 and asbestos-containing materials weren't banned in NZ until the end of 2016. WM Technical Services can safely accept wetted and double-wrapped ACM in 250-micron plastic and facilitate the special burial required to control this risk.




Laboratory chemicals

We are the experts in collection and disposal of unwanted or expired laboratory chemicals out of universities, schools, commercial & industrial businesses. Our experienced & qualified chemists are well versed in the requirements of the Dangerous Goods for Land Transport rule as well as the Hazardous Substances regulations.


Witness destructions

We offer a comprehensive service for our customers that need to watch the destruction and treatment of their hazardous and non-hazardous products.



It is now common for household and commercial chemicals to be packaged in aerosol cans for ease of use. The chemical and propellant may pose flammable, toxic or corrosive risks. WM Technical Services provides a safe handling and disposal service for these full or spent aerosol cans.


Battery recycling

We can provide a recycling service for used lead acid batteries as well as common small household batteries such as rechargeable lithium, NiMH, NiCad and single use alkaline. The batteries are safely packed for export to our recycling partners overseas in accordance with the Basel Convention.


Chemist collections

Our extensive team of qualified and experienced industrial chemists are well versed in the use, handling and disposal of chemical wastes produced in New Zealand. Whether it be industrial, commercial, academic, or household chemicals you can be assured that all Dangerous Goods & Hazardous Substances regulation requirements are met.


Waste tracking

We electronically record the receipt, acceptance, storage, and treatment of hazardous substances from our customers. This is facilitated by a purpose-built inventory tracking system using QR code labelling technology and intrinsically safe scanning tools. 


Intractable wastes

Where substances are not able to be recycled or disposed of in New Zealand they are known as Intractable. These intractable products include Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), some pesticides, halogenated solvents, and Poly- & Per- Fluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) firefighting foams. The substances are packed and shipped to our disposal partners in Australia and Europe. These facilities undertake the high temperature incineration of these products. WM Technical Services is the industry expert in hazardous waste export which is governed closely by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and Basel & Stockholm Conventions.

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Other Business Waste Solutions


Medical Waste

Patients and staff trust your commitment to safety. WM Technical Services partners with you, offering safe, reliable solutions for focused welfare.

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Solvent recovery

Our Technical Services team utilise batch distillation technology to recycle solvents and fuels. Contact us for an obligation-free discussion with our specialists. 

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Choose from premium aqueous Turbowashers to eco-friendly Ezywashers, utilising recycled D60 solvent, offering a range of environmentally conscious cleaning options.

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